Welcome to


Copyright © GME Systems Pty Ltd Perth, Western Australia

Last updated 1 March, 1996


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. How to get the most out of the program
  4. Ordering Information


Welcome To Swag-Man.

This file is intended to be a readme type file, with basic instructions on how to use the program.

Swag-Man is one of the few HTML editors that allow the user to preview their work as they go, this enables developers to adjust and tinker with their tag arrangements to achieve the results they are after.

The program starts up with a skeleton of a html file ready for the user to flesh out.

The program was designed so the the user can start typing their text directly into the BODY section of the skeleton, and when the bulk of the text is in, the formating would start.

To enclose any piece or block of text to a HTML tag, just highlight that section of text using the mouse and then press the desired button on the Left-Hand side of the editor or choose on one the less frequently used commands under the HTML heading on the main menu.

So for example :
To make a sentence bold, the user would select the text sentence using the mouse, and then press the B button on the left-hand side. The sentence would now start with <B>, and end with </B>.

Creating Headings is no different, just select the block of text, and then choose the appropriate option on the LH side of the screen.
List are different though. At the moment a skeleton of a list style is generated, and you have to fill in the blanks, I hope to have it working so that a block of text is selected, and that text is converted into a list, like in word processors. But that will come in a later version.

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Getting the most out of Swag-Man

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Text Formating

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This is a table's caption
This is
a Table
generated using Swag-Man
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Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

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  1. No 1
  2. No 2
  3. No 3
  4. No 4
  5. No 5
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Swag-Man now supports templates.
Templates are commonly used styles that you have developed for a particular purpose. So for example :
You are currently designing a number of Web pages for a variety of corporate clients, and each client has a different basic style for their WWW pages. So when a customer contacts you again, and asked for additional pages, you can go back and select their template and be up to speed in no-time at all.
Commonly used "things" in templates are items such as :

Swag-Man now allows you to create a HTML file and then save it as a template, so that you can access them every time you select File|New or press the New button on the top most speedbar.
You create a template by choosing File from the Main menu and then selecting Save as Template.
A dialogue box appears, if this is the first time you are using it, the box will show 3 blank-white rectangles. The rectangle on the Left-Hand side is a list of all available templates that you defined so far. The Top-most box is for you to enter a name for the template. This can be any string of charcters(up to 255 chars). It is not a file name but a short descriptive name, such as Template 1, XYZ Company. The box below it is for a more detailed description of the template. Again limited to 255 chars. So for example, if you have defined a template called XYZ Co, and then describe it as "This is a template for the XYZ Company, that holds a whole pile of external links for them ..."
The program is clever enough to realise that when you first start Swag-Man it checks to see if you have any templates defined. If not it automatically creates a blank HTML file structure for you, even if you have pressed File|New.

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Creating Forms

Currently the Prevewing option of Swag-Man does not display forms. So please use your favourite browser to preview them.
To create a form, it is generally a good idea to have already thought out and implemented your CGI script you are going to attach to this form. This makes life a lot easier.
If you press the Forms button on the main toolbar, a multi-tadded dialogue box appears, showing all the major form items that are available in Swag-Man.Forms is also available from the main menu, where it is broken down into it logical components.
  1. Form Skeleton
  2. Single Line Text Fields
  3. Multiline Text Fields
  4. Checkboxes
  5. Radio Buttons
  6. Selection Lists
  7. Buttons
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Background Attributes

Setting background attributes is relatively simple. Select HTML from the Main menu, and choose the background option.
A dialogue box appears showing 3 sets of colour sliders, for setting the background colour, text colour and Links(or hot spot colours). It images are to be used for the background, then there is a place for selecting the directed image file, and when the HTML file is viewed either with the previewer or with your browser, that image is tiled on the background of the file.
Experiment with different colour options, I realise that the colour shown in the sample boxes on the left-hand side of each slider set if not perfect, but I am working on getting it better. Just treat is as a guide to what you would like.
A coomonly used backgroubnd colour is light grey, this has RGB valued of 128,128,128 Back to table of contents

Remove TAGS from HTML files

A commonly requested add-on has been for the inclusion of a HTML tag removal option. This is now available under the Tools menu item on the main menu.
It allows the user to remove all tags within a whole file, or only a portion of a selected file. If only a selected portions of the text is required, the program then prompts the user if they wish to save the new text to a seperate file or to include it in the current file. If the complete file is selected(or nothing selected al all), the resultant file is thehn saved to another file, which is specified by the user.
The Remove Tag's dialogue box that appears has the following options :
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The commercial version of Swag-Man, is planned for release on 1 March , 1996
The pricing structure is as follows:
  1. Option 1 A full operating version of the editor plus Previewing facilities, including all upgrades for 1 year and a Windows 95® version when available will.
    Price :$75 (Australian dollars, approximately US$55)
  2. Option 2 A full operating version of the editor plus Previewing facilities
    This does not included any upgrades or a Windows 95® version.
    Price :$50 (Australian dollars, approximately US$38)
  3. Option 3 A full operating version of the editor minus Previewing facilities
    This does not included any upgrades or a Windows 95® version
    . Price :$30 (Australian dollars, approximately US$22.50)

Payment at this stage is by cheque only(currently negotiating with the Banks to be able to accept credit cards), and please make it payable in Australian dollars to GME Systems Pty. Ltd., and please make sure an Australian bank will accept the cheque; and sent it to :

GME Sytems Pty. Ltd.
240 Woodside Street
DoubleView, Perth
Western Australia,
Australia, 6018
Also please send a snail mail address. I will use this when I cannot contact you via e-mail ..
Before sending any money, please check that you have the latest version and latest payment methods by dropping by at Swag-Man's home page at :

A registration key will then be sent to you, and it unlocks the registered program hiding inside the evaluation version. This key will be sent to you as soon as the cheque clears.
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